Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.


Of all the things I do, I find documentaries the most fun to film(not to edit) you get to hang around with some fantasic people. You learn loads and you have the best experiences, it is a wonder I don't do more.
I have done quite a few so I will be uploading them onto this page gradually so I can comment on each one.

I am hoping to make a film all about reading it follows people and places, at the moment I am cutting them up into short films.

This film is from my travels around India and I especially loved Kurseung, a little town near Nepal.

This is a documentary  with Malcolm in and it covers my love of the Thames with my curiousity in interesting people, of which these are two.
Malc and his brother Paul walk from London Bridge to Barnes salong the river stopping at off at places not particularly traditional but nether the less quite quite beautiful, we are left to ponder many things.

Here is the free Holiday that I recieved from Thames Canoes for making them a promotional video. Mattie Doug and I go down the Thames from Henley to Windsor, can't really explain why it is so relaxing and so much fun, just is.

Another water related documentary, this was part of the documentary I made in Canada which followed the Whitney Blanket from Oxfordshire all the way to Ontario Canada..
Here we Have Benjamin talking about the guys that paddled from one end of Canada to the middle, which is a long way.