Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Crowd shots always sell!

Crowd shots sell theres no doubting this.
But what is it that sells the most?
1. The Crowd are anonymous/unfocussed -This is one of the best ways to shoot people! Not because people are ugly necessarily but because then you can use this for any subject matter and no one will complain because no ones face is visible. In pond 5 it says if you can see people in a crowd then it can only be used for editorial or documentary purposes, but if you cant see the faces it could be used in music videos, films- the opportunities are wider thus you can sell more.
2. It's a beautiful shot, the artistry of a shot is always important, So filming on a bright day, getting a nice depth of field, nice shot of cabs in the background is important, you are competing against every single other Pond5er!
3. Its New York! OK you can't get away with this anymore but this was made in 2009, when anyone wanted a shot of one of the most famous Cities in the world this is it! Now 100s of people have seen this and shot it there are 1577 crowd shots of New York.

65 Sales 3342 view 45 dollars

Anonymous city or not anonymous city that is the question.

Look at this beauty.

1. It could be anywhere(it's New York) as before people are obscured, so an American TV company company could use it about anywhere in America, without people getting too picky, but also a News company in poland could use it talking about a generic place in America or over population
2. It has thousands of people all shuffling about endlessly it looks packed congested thats what people want when they buy a crowd shot! - Crowds. Not a few people milling around we want 100s of the buggers and the more unpleasant and claustrophobic the better!

Look at this, this is London!
Maybe now there are too many crowd shots of New York go abroad and if you live abroad (well its not abroad for you,)go to your famous city, theres only 610 crowd shots of London compared to 1577 of New York and only 153 of Paris.

1. So be specific have a big Red bus in the background for London.

Make them different, say your going to film in India and you know there are lots of crowd shots of people crossing the street get some mayhem from something weird or unusual to the country, look at one of my new shots, in England we wouldn't be allowed cables all over the place too much blooming health and safety for our own good so this shows people something different from the norm.

So there are a few hints on making crowd shots, one of the best things about them is you don't have to do anything, they are all there for you, just turn up and set your camera up! Here are a few below to get you all excited.
and if you want to please just click on any of below and buy one you know I will give an extra big smile if you do!
Have a good Christmas and if you don't celebrate it enjoy watching a lot of stressed people buying presents for people that don't want another book on film making!!

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