Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Autumn time for stocking..

It has been the summer and that is my busiest period for non stock jobs now that this is over I have been going through my footage I have filmed and not put up (due to being too busy) and I have finally managed to get the amount of clips up to 300, I was meant to get to 700 by August but even the pressure of telling everyone that I was going to do that didnt really bother me.

Allot of this has to do with keywording, creating a clip really isn't that bad its the uploading and adding keywords that really takes me time. When you have 5 clips to put up no problem but when you have 30 clips to upload the task seems a little on the big side.

Making stock footage is a patient game as opposed to my video work which once the job is done you get paid straight away, this involves knowing that alot of keywording you are basically doing for free.
Keywording is fine I dont mind it, stick on some music and its a simple task but as I say for 10 clips fine but for 30 or so... leave that till later.. much later  6 months to be precise.

So I have only just got round to finishing all the work I did with Mattie my actor friend, now what I am finding amazing is that these shots are selling quite well. I paid him 10 pounds an hour  and over the last 6 months the money I have paid him has come back to me from pond5 sales, I dont think I have as such made a profit but breaking even is a good thing with stock footage because  of the residual income I could be making money on some of those shots forever... I hope that some of these shots will be used in 2030s as historical shot.

For the  present I'm aiming to make classic shots of London and classic actor shots, so that if you were a documentary maker you would 100% use them, there has been some beautiful documentaries on television and I'm realising the clips need to be of the same qualty as these amazingly films.

Here are some of my actor shots which have sold

Man leaves with umbrella, this sold a clip I wasn't expecting this one to go as so few of my actor shots sold but this did what with the massive crap weather going on.
its a pretty basic shot so I'm chuffed it's sold.

Classic shot of smoking, the fact that you cant see the mans face is actually a bonus  people really like anonymous clips.

This one of someone praying, I lit this with candles another shot that I thought would never sell, I'm very intrigued as to know who buys it. Its a pretty beautiful shot though. Must use candles more!

Here I am overacting and it sold! I did this as a joke but it works!
I'm selling, here's another one of me. so technically speaking I'm a model.
I wish I knew what videos I'm in. Look at me now underacting I do both !

So I'm back to making me some stock and really making some beautiful stuff.
Here are a few clips of my new London stock.

Here are all the London shots you will ever need go buy people now!
speak soon and watch for more footage..

by the way look at this beautiful shot, not one of mine, but I like to put out beautiful shots by other people too

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