Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Interview with Andy from Vadervideo and my latest sales

Here is a video I made with Andy from Vadervideo he of the fantasic book "Shut up and shoot" so I was very keen to learn a little about his life and how he lives off stock footage, if he does , I/you can can to..

You will get a lot more information from someone who has actually makes a living from stock footage in this ebook buy it from his website stockmediaartist.com

 So from someone who has made it to someone trying..
I am quite excited about my stock footage, although I am nowhere near the 700 clips I am aiming for I have put up 84 clips in the last two months, this is comparable with 200 over two years so 100 a year can be changed to 100 in 2 months, I have noticed half the bugger is putting in keywords you spend hours gathering the stock and once its uploaded it still takes ages to key word them. So I have come up with a new concept, if its not that good a shot don’t go keyword crazy just some basic stuff for keys : keys, lock, door, that's it. keyword the amazing shots.
I believe if someone wants to buy a shot they will find it, call me an old hippie if you like (don't) but I believe if the shot is good enough it will get to the right person.
I have sold 3 clips this month I’m not exactly making it rich but that’s cool I didn’t expect to straight away and I have income from other jobs.

One shot is this of the London Underground train (its got audio so I haven’t embedded the shot so you can click to the link) I had this at a very low price as it was a smaller size 1280x720 video and it never sold so I increased the price from 19 to 49.99 and you know what : it sold. I mention this in the above video, a higher price means a higher quality to the customer, it does to me. I also have sold this shot which I went out and shot recently in a bar
http://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/10908341/credit-card-transaction-and-print-out-of-receipt.html#.T9s4HUr2e7c.blogger I’m chuffed this has sold so quickly so I went out and filmed more in a shop of checkouts and even more bank card machines, my other shot is of course of office workers in London.

At some point this may sell more than the classic shot of ice melting, well I shall keep you up to date of how stock is selling and how many clips I have sold, really the most important thing is to make a shot which sells loads this is more important than getting to 700, this is what I will tell myself if I don't get there, but make a shot that sells millions!!! I need to work harder dudes!

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