Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

My office

The only other problem is the state of my office it needs to look modern and shiny, where as it seems to look like a load of clobber stuck by a wall and this is it clean!
It also has a strench of gone off milk I don't understand this, how did this happen? I can't have a stinking office I shall get back to you with the modern shiny office it will make you so happy and me so much money! I'll be filming it and every shiny modern shot will make me hundreds of dollars.

Chat soon dude.


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