Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Shut Up and Shoot! and Make Lightning Strike Twice review- The ebook on creating stock footage

I have just finished reading the ebook by Andreas K. Hohl 'Shut Up and Shoot' which explains in detail how to make and sell stock footage, this is an invaluable guide to read and refer to, having been working on Pond5 clips in my spare time over the last few years it has given me the confidence to focus on it now as a business.

 This book does not try and kid you, Andy makes it very clear from the start that making stock isn't a get rich quick  scheme  and the cons of stock creating the clips  a lot of which I have come across myself and frankly making them can be a bit of a bugger sometimes : the cost, the amount of editing, time consumption there are many more, but its reassuring to know that others even Vadervideo have had problems in the past with getting that million dollar clip.

But this is something that you can do if you don't have hundreds of contacts in the business  or your daddy isn't Steven  Spielberg, you can go out and film and make cash.
There are some really interesting parts on Work flow something that I can now see speeding up my uploading, key wording and compressing of my files, its the sort of book that not only will motivate you to go out and get shooting but you will refer to constantly.
Andy treats the reader with Intelligence and even if you have been making stock for a while there is a lot of information and real golden nuggets of advice on what the customers are looking for.

The book is genuinely laugh aloud funny which you need if your going to be standing in the rain filming London underground so  you will enjoy this read as well as getting a whole heap of information.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Martin for the kind words.. now would you come on over to my blog at www.stockmediaartist.com and write this again? ;)

    Okay, I understand, you are shutting up and shooting.. I have created a monster!

    Again thanks for the kind words and I am glad it is inspiring you to continue and become as great as I. Was that pompous? Let me re-phrase that:

    I am so happy that you can read. LOL

    Looking forward to doing some fun stuff with you for sure! - Andy* (*Now an author too.)
