Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

latest adventures..

Well this summer I have actually been working making short films, so I haven't actually had a chance to make stock footage, it's obviously something one does when you are less employed, however I have still been reaping the goods, when I say reaping I mean getting 30 quid a month, it still fills me with joy when I see I have a sale, I seem to be getting two every month, the point is people seem to keep buying even if you are doing nothing pond5ish, this leads me to a question, what does pond5 mean?
Stock Video by thursdayfilms at Pond5: The World's Stock Footage Marketplace
I haven't got a clue but as they are the only people I sell my stock footage through I wouldn't mind knowing.
I have posted the question on their forum like a good geek. A while back I made a video for Clipper green lemon tea I then got in exchange 4 boxes of the tea--- grrrreaat, now the video has had 600 views, pretty good eh? Well now if you google Clipper green lemon tea my video comes up on the first page, I'm Mr Clipper Green lemon tea himself. So to see if I can get anything more free I have advertised the Sevylor Moorea Kayak, its already had a 100 views in a couple of days so I reason when its got 200 I shall ask them for another free boat, or something free, you never know?

I recently filmed this little beauty which I hope gets the odd sale in the future, if theres one thing Pond5 loves is crowds so I hope this one sells.

Other than my ice melting shot which sells every blooming month I have sold this clip as well, which I rather like

Its pretty good so it should have sold, it took a good 5 months but I always thought it was good.

Well I shall keep you more updated as I go along keep well,



1 comment:

  1. Nice video work and Pond5 is a decent resource for videos. Please keep in mind StockFuel as well for your stock media demands.

    Brian Weck
