Welcome Pond5ers!

Hello Pond5ers.
Pondcasts will go into different ways of making money through putting videos onto the Pond5 website.
Pond5 is the best stock footage site and allows beginners and pros to make money by making short 10 second clips and turning them into dollars.
Start off for fun and turn it into a business. This site will explain how certain styles sell and how to use your own originality to sell clips you don't need to follow the crowd.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Feeling Zen on Pond 5

I have uploaded 11 more clips for Pond 5 so that I can make loads of money, surely doing all this is very zen, as I have no master, no one to order me about, on the other hand Masters are good, they tell you what to do when you don't know.

When I do get an email that tells me I have a sale of a pond 5 clip, I feel a sense of joy although its only 16 pounds it alwasy feels good, as if it's free money. My most successful month when I got 3 sales I put the money towards the alphasmart Neo which I bought an Ebay. (In the youtube video below all will be explained in quite a passionate way why its so good.)

The clip that has sold the most has always been the one I took from my parants front garden, maybe you dont need to go that far, maybe its under the nose. I have thought about going to Canada what with there being lots of snow, as my clip of ice melting is the big one, the one that sells the most. But there are loads of clips of Snow that don't sell, really you should go for things that aren't necesarily obvious they are under your nose.

If you put ice melting in the search on Pond 5, my clip comes up first, thats what you want really. One sale brings another, like so many things in life, so basically the more popular( if it's the highest seller) your video, the more chance it has of selling even more.

I have also been sent 4 boxes of tea for my other Zen like deal of making videos in exchange for a video, this time I made it first, a bit of a risk but it was just an hour of filming and an hour or so of fiddling with videos, and there it was all done once 200 or so people had looked at it on youtube they sent me the drinks..

As I mention in the video, the next one will be a hotel, to try and get a hotel for two, I wonder if this deal can make the pleasent things in life, the Pond 5 clips could pay for flights and the zen deals could pay for the hotels.

I am making a documentary on Wokingham, it will feature 20 people getting on with their life and career and just follow them like a humphrey Jennings film, I'm going to "fund" this by using clips from the project, for Pond 5. I'm off filming a photographer on Monday I thought this would be a good start, I could use clips of him taking photos for Pond 5 but also use it in a creative way for making a documentaries, which is what I believe I am good at. I could then go to shops, warehouses and so on,odd places where so far no one has really filmed because they can't be bothered to ask for permission.

I have been planning a sketch which involves using a shop but I've been lazy about doing the whole- trying to get permission from a shop -thing. I asked them, sent them a press release and then stopped bothering, as they weren't jumping for joy, Funny how you can just get all apathetic if someone else is really dispassionate.

Of the things I achieved last year I did the corkeyburgers Ramshackle comedy night, a fencing video, a job at Reading Uni and a bit of Pond 5 stuff but this year will echo with the sound of Martin in Wokingham making great moves just you wait and seee...

So things I want to achieve is
(1) Making the Mp3 player sketch.
(2) Finishing a book I've been writing for about 10 years. (I think I 'm on the final draft now)
(3) Make actual money from Pond 5 stock footage (from making the documentaries)
(4) Go canoeing again- maybe free from doing a film for the company(zen deals as I call them now)
(5) Make a fencing documentary and get funding.
(6) Make enough cash to go travelling and filming stock footage, so I can travel around like the zen dealer sleeper in hotels in exchange for videos and making cash from Pond 5 clips and uploading them.

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